Thursday, November 1, 2007

Poll results! Pick your favourite past Les partner!

Well since the poll opened last week literally dozens of you have been voting for your favourite partner, the votes have been counted and I can confirm that with a huge majority the winner is.............

MAVIS FEKKIT - yes that's right, the highly respected Florence Yeast ran her a close 2nd place but you the great British public have decided that Mavis is your most beloved of my former partners. Unfortunately I am unable to contact Mavis to gain her thoughts and feelings on this prestigious honour. Due to a ridicilous, archaic restraining order I am unable to be within 100 yards of Mavis or her husband businessman Lucifer Entwhistle but suffice to say I'm sure that she would be delighted by the news.

My lawyer is still currently in the process of trying to have the said restraining order removed as I am nothing of a threat to Mavis, obviously I can't really talk about this matter as it is a legal issue but all I can say that is that I am innocent and will not rest to my name is cleared, fookin' ell!

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