Friday, November 9, 2007

A Blast From The Past!! Madame Greta Du Font....(RIP)

Chuffin fook! I just had to share this wonderful old picture with you my loyal readers, yes it's Madame Greta Du Font the great French dancer who I had the honour of foxtrotting with back in the late 50's, but who is the young fleet footed suave chap on the right? yes it's my good self dancing with Greta back in 1957!! fookin' ell it seems like just last week when that picture was taken, but how times have changed, crime is out of control these days, gangs of feral youths roam the streets, immigration has become totally unnaceptable and the price of pork is on the rise too!! - fookin' ell!

I recall the amazing times Greta and I shared in Bournemouth in the comfy interior of my luxury caravan, we spent endless days frollicing on my pink floral eiderdown, 2 people in love and at one with each other, sharing a burning passion for dance, nature and the medium of pork based products..... but in the end we drifted apart and I had to follow my true path, my one vocation to become the greatest ballroom dancer in history!!! the choice was a hard one, follow my heart or choose my "Feet of flames"? I think you'll agree folks ol' Twinkle toes made the right one!

But she really was a wondrous lady with all the grace of a released butterfly.......sadly I recieved the awful news last night that she had been killed in an horrendous bizzare wallpapering accident at her retirement home in Toulouse. She was 81! Greta I'll miss you and all you gave to the world of dance, god bless you yer proud beauty!!!

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