Monday, September 22, 2008

"Come some rug" goes LIVE!!!!

Well folks, what a weekend it's been - "Cut some Rug" finally went head to head with the beebs "Strictly come dancing" twaddle in a dance based battle to the death! and I'm confident that all at "Leisure TV" have played a collective blinder! we'll know in a few days time just how many people tuned into our amazingly glamorous debut show but the channels chief executive Mike Saint anticipate's the channels biggest viewing figures in it's entire 6 year history, so time will tell!

Sad news though for celebrity Tv paranormal crusader Denton Pentangle who found himself the first victim of the infamous "Cut some rug!" eviction as you the great British public opted to save cheeky blue northern comic Burton Curle instead!! old Burty just about did enough to keep himself in the show in my opinion indeed his "Carolina shag" with parter Monica Von Skeeten-Borgh was quite inspirational! and so he will be back next week for more dance based fun whilst sadly Denton will be confined to the great ballroom graveyard in the sky (erm metaphorically speaking of course folks.....)

But oh yes folks the show was a real delight from old Les and the still ravishingly beautiful Mavis Fekkit's wonderfully fragrant opening "Cha cha cha" routine right through to Su Pollards amusing and saucily salacious backstage titbits, we really couldn't have hoped for a better first show. Indeed relaxing in my palatial backstage dressing room after the show with my great showbiz pals Judith Chalmers, Bernie Clifton, Kendall Fontaine' and Stu "Ooh I could crush a grape" Francis we all concluded that the "Cut some rug" blueprint will truly take some stopping and with me old "Feet of Flames" Les at the helm the show has every chance of becoming a geniune Saturday nights TV ratings winner and quite possibly a British televisual institution!

Indeed over a richly bountiful backstage pork platter which included mini scotch eggs, Melton Mowbray porkington pie-slices, a smattering of balsamic vinegar pickled pigs trotters and many more pork based delights my old showbiz mucker Judith Chalmers and one time lover commented "Oohh Lesley I've never seen you so happy, if only Hinge could see you now darling!!" - which as you can guess started me right off, so much so that I rather drunkily and a tad hastily commandeered my loyal friend, agent and manager Maurice Shoteley to drive me straight up to Barrow in Furness there and then just so I could breath in the solemn, almost church like air of Maters's shrine back at my palatial 5 bedroom mini mock tudor mansion! after spending a few blissful hours in her replica room me and Maurice tended to Mater and Tobys graves on Sunday morning before hot footing it back down the M1 just in time for rehearsals for "Cut some Rug" on Sunday evening! eeh what a fookin' palaver and no mistake!!

I can't wait for next weeks show, it will be interesting to see if poor old Timmy Mallet recovers from his unfortunate twisted ankle injury sustained during his waltz to Spandau Ballets classic "True" and also to see if my old mate Burton Curle can once again rise like an overweight, persipring recovering alcholic phoenix from the flames to stay in the contest yet again - until Saturday folks dance on!!

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