Monday, January 21, 2008

The show must go on...!!

(Inset) Burton Curle

Hi there Rhumba fans,

Well how things can change in a week, this time last week we were just starting initial rehearsals for my latest production "CHUFFIN' HELL WHERE'S ME OSTRICH!??!!!" and now a week later and the whole show seems to be in disarray! but no sir, not if old Les has anything to do with it! - If you can remember last Monday poor old Roger De Courcy rather comically fell from the stage and sustained a badly sprained ankle, initially we believed the hilarious,happless ventriliquist would be back on his feet in a few days but we have learned that old Roger will now be laid up for at least 2 months, leaving me with no choice but to appoint a replacement, the show must go on!!

After several intense hours of discussions and debate with agent Maurice Shoteley and co-producer Roger Cutlet we finally decided to pull out all the stops to ensure the success of the show. It was decided that money was no object and so after much deliberation we whittled it down to a shortlist of hugely talented candidates, but who?? the role of the "ghost of Dixon Wimpole" is highly central to the plot so we went for only the best!! the final 3 on our list were:- the impressive ventriliquist Keith Harris (and Orville) who seemed ideal for the part, sadly Keith is terribly busy at the moment and is fully booked up with work till next summer, which left us with the witty, camp entertainer Duncan Norvelle and the vastly underated stand up comic Burton Curle! - in the end disscussions with Duncan broke down due to "niggling contractual and financial issues" so in the end we decided to give the job to the quickwitted, course Northern comedian Burton Curle!!

Admittedly some eyebrows were raised when old Burty was offered the role but I truly believe that this is a once in a lifetime chance for him to reinvent himself and indeed resurrect his career, it could be old Burton's final chance of comedic redemption and being a fine stand up comic he has all the skills required to make the part his own. Remember cheeky cockney comic Mike Reid and his life changing switch to serious straight, acting as Frank Butcher in "Eastenders"?! No-one gave him a chance did they? - but old Mike did it.....well I believe that Burton can do the same, if he can rein in his maverick comic approach we'll be onto a winner, he may struggle a bit initially with the slick dance moves but I'm determined to convert my old friend into a fleetfooted, gliding, graceful peformer! if anyone can do it then ol' Sheepsy can!!!!!

So with Burton stepping into the breach rehearsals resumed in earnest. With Bernie Clifton excelling in the lead role of Dr.Branston Wimpole and Ruth Madoc delighting cast members and crew alike as Branstons mother "Myrtle" things were back on track again! the dancers were wonderful, the songs were sounding fantastic, the humour and jokes were flowing and I realised there and then that we just might have a potential west end smash-hit on our hands - I'm happy to report that rehearsals are still going really well and can confirm that we are due to open at the Theatre Royal in Batley on March 18th followed by nights at Skegness, Blackpool, Morecambe, Barrow and a host of other fine provincial towns (check press for details) thats right folks, put a note in your diary and warm up your dancing trotters because the show of the year is coming your fookin' way! watch out Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber!!!!!

I have a gut feeling that this production could be the making of myself and the cast, the choreography is looking superb if I do say so myself, Roger Cutlet has written some truly fine songs like "Oh no Pater has gout!", "The ballad of Branston and Rita", and the rip roaring, show stopping finale' "Eeeeh what a palaver!!!". The biggest surprise for me though has been Burton Curles proffesional transformation. Like a perspiring overweight, recovering alcoholic phoenix rising from the flames old Burty has gone from stand in warm up man at the World Darts championship at the Lakeside to potential West end success!! god bless you son Burton - your a chuffin' trooper and a credit to light entertainment!!!

Till next time folks, keep dancing!

Lesley x

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