Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm a celebrity (get me in there!!)

Yes folks - as you know ITV's jungle D-list celeb fest "I'm a celebrity..." is currently being rammed down our throats like a great, gorged sausage roll smothered in pork fat!!!! erm yes things have certainly took a turn for the worst in the jungle with dubiously politically opinionated tv fop Silksy already out of the camp and the sexy footballing wag Carly on her way it's time that the shows producers finally saw the light and airlifted ol' Sheepsy in there! Yes folks you may recall last year I was on the final shortlist of celebs to appear but had to withdraw at the eleventh hour due to Panto commitments but this year as a surprise late arrival I really think I could pull the show out of it's current slump.

With my firebrand wit, humorous anecdotes and ballroom dancing prowess I really think I'd be a valuable addition to the Australian jungle....I do know quite a few of the guys in there already which would help too, the zany Timmy Mallet took part in the early rounds of "Cut some Rug" but had to leave due to an ankle injury (not seen much evidence of any limb ailment in the jungle though Timmy you cushioned-malleted fooker!!) I also have some previous with the lovely Esther Rantzen as our paths often met at BBC televsion centre during the 70's and early 80's when she was presenting "Thats Life" and I was regularly guesting on "Come Dancing" - eeh what glorious days!!

I'd also call David Van Day a close friend too as I did some choerography work on a few early Dollar videos and also on one of their UK tours, I'll tell you something else too David doesn't half do a mean burger from his mobile takeaway van down in Brighton!!!

But seriously folks I really think I'd flourish in the outback, in my long distinguished career I've faced many awful, vile and downright hideous experiences so a few cockroaches, snakes and spiders would be like water off a ducks back to ol' twinkle toes. Why after you've shared a musty, damp chalet at Pontins with Burton Curle you can face anything!!! sorry Burty old lad but by the fook I think you'll agree with me that you reallty did have some unpleasantly foul personal hygiene habits back then son didn't you, ooh fook me not half!!!!

Who knows what will happen in the future but I'll be waiting by my phone for the call to come!!

In the meantime I'm working on my lastest project of which I'll reveal more just before Xmas but believe me folks it's a winner!!

Till next time take things easy and as Mater' used to say "Embrace the dance and all it's delights!!"

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cut Some Rug (RIP).......the end of a chuffin' era.

First things first folks heartfelt thanks for all your continued support and loyal viewing of the recently "axed" and criminally underated tv winner "Cut some rug!" - sorry for the delay in updating my blog but as you will know by now the scarlet silken, gilded curtain finally fell on the said ballroom blockbuster last Saturday. Reflecting solemnly last night with a glass of vintage sherry and a large "Harrods best" scotch egg I considerd myself privelleged nay fookin' blessed to be connected with what will surely in time be considered as one of 2008's true tv highlights!!

What can I say apart from that it's been a fantastic 8 weeks and we have witnessed some truly great ballroom dancing and general all round good old fashioned entertainment to boot, chiefly in the rather overweight shape of 70's alcoholic blue comic Burton Curle and his side splitting Carolina shag and also our eventual winner the semi-legendary Peter Purvess who beat the plucky former gymnast Suzanne Dando to the "Cut some rug" title at the weekend!!

Contrary to popular belief the show was NOT axed due to awful reviews and poor viewing figures (the suggestion that only 519 people watched Saturdays finale' is just plain evil and totally untrue) or that the huge success of the BBC's tawdry copy cat show "Strictly...." had a huge part to play in the downfall of what could have in time become a British tv institution, no folks at the end of the day all of us who have worked on the show have together shared something that will live in us all forever - from "Leisure" tv's chief executive Mike Saint, all the production crew, "Nesbitt media caterers" (especially for their wondrous pork and brisket mottled fulchers!) the researchers right down to the studio cleaning lady Bethel - yes we are blessed and honoured to have Cut some fookin' rug!!!

As you know the programme was due to run until just before Xmas but due to legal and top secret contractual reasons we had to fast track the show to it's momentous crescendo dance off on Saturday night, but things move on quickly folks and it's time for old Les to look to the future, I have already began work on my next project all of which will be revealed very, very soon!!
Xmas is on the horizon and this year I have foregone my annual panto stint to rest at home reflcting on what has been a very eventful year (in more ways than one!!)
In the meantime keep your spirits up folks and remember to watch those "Feet of fookin' flames!!!"