Thursday, June 5, 2008

Back on my feet.....

Good morning dance lovers, firstly I must thank you all for the heartfelt concern and kind words that you have conveyed to me in my time of need (see post below) - literally dozens of you have e-mailed me and sent cards and a special heartfelt thanks must go out to Mrs. Doreen Hewitt of Doncaster for her lovely homemade "12 Piece Pork Bonanza Pie" which arrived fresh via Parcel-Force yesterday afternoon.

Mrs.Hewitt assures me that this sumptious dish is her own take on the infamous "10 bird pie" that includes pigeon, spatch-cock, duck, turkey etc I believe, right on sandal wearers like game loving fop like Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall are waffling on about it quite a bit these days!! basically the crumbliest home made rustic pastry is encased around the twelve finest and most delectable forms of pork known to man. Starting up from the bottom of the pie you work your way up through prime woodchute farm sausage meat into delectable slices of finest gammon followed by some top notch bacon slithers smothered in maple syrup then you bathe' in some majestical pigs blood black pooooooooding before you seep into some beautiful honey roast ham from Norfolk before passing through a whole range of porky treasures until you reach the summit where upon an unfeasibly generous drizzle of pork fat/slurry is poured into the pie to create a gelatinous, moist fat mound of pork based heaven!!! Eeeh it's making me salivate just thinking about it now! chuffin ell served up last night with some crisp iceberg lettuce leaves and a few buuuuuuuutered Jersey Royals it was fookin' blissful!!!

All in all I have been astounded by the generosity and sheer devotion of the great British public, thanks everyone you proud fookin' beauties!!

You will be relieved to know that work has finally begun on returning Mater's shrine back into the celestial, beautiful haven it once was before that fookin' old scrote got her trotters into shall be finished in a few weeks time and I shall look forward to being able to spend many more reflective and solemn moments alone in there, just me, a few orthapedic shoes, her plastic covered bed spread and my dear memories of sweet Mater'.......

It fills me with huge sadness to report that "CHUFFIN' HELL, WHERE'S ME OSTRICH!??!!!" will not be returning to the nations theatres in any major capacity as hoped, as you may recall back in February the decision was made to embark on a weeks residency in Barrow in Furness before hopefully being picked up by one of the big London theatre impressarios and hopefully taking the West End by storm, sadly it was not to be and so with regret we will be staging a final gala one off performance at the Theare Royal in Barrow in July to mark the passing of this once potentially record breaking show! - Most of the original cast will be returning including Bernie Clifton, Ruth Madoc, cable tv paranormal crusader Denton Pentangle and also The Lester Sheepshanks dance troupe'....sadly Burton Curle' will not be able to make the show as he is currently undergoing treatment for severe alcoholic dependency in the Priory clinic in London, my best wishes go out to old Burty sending him warm greetings for a speedy recovery, when your back on your feet Burton son we'll have to meet up for a quick whisky (or seven!!) eh Burty, what do you say old son!?!?!? erm sorry er maybe not Burton sorry big lad........

Still life goes on and there are still many projects keeping old Les busy. I'm in negotiations to star as a judge and expert on Living Tv's new all star ballroom dance based show "Cut some rug!" and have also got my dance school in Barrow in Furness keeping me pretty busy along with a brilliant upcoming appearance on "Celebrity Master Chef" this summer so keep your eyes open for that one, until then I'm signing off with a cheery grin and wink, until next time keep on dancing folks!!!

P.s - I'll post in a few weeks time as I'm nipping off to my luxury villa on the Costa Del Sol this week with my dear old friend and manager Maurice Shoteley for a short, relaxing break, fookin' ell' I need it after the last few chuffin' weeks....hee hee!!

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